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Century/Magnetek Switches
H.S. Number: 8503.00.500
AO Smith    Baldor    Bell & Gosett    Bodine    Centrifugal Mechanisms    Century    Doerr    Electra
Emerson    Flint & Walling    Fan & Limit   Franklin    General Electric    Hobart/Jack & Heinz    Leeson    Leland
Magnetek    Marathon    Master    Reliance    Tatung    Toshiba    US    Wagner    Weg    Westinghouse


CN407HR   $32.50
147541-50, 14754150

1 set of contacct  56 frame
2.750" & 3.250" mounting holes

167394-50, 16739450


3 sets of contacts 48 frame 2 speed
2.625" & 2.625" mounting holes

CN456DS   $49.50
188171-01, 18817101
3 sets of contacts 56 frame 2 speed
2.750" & 3.250" mounting holes

CN456HR   42.50
188872-03, 18887203

3 sets of contacts
2.750" & 3.250" mounting holes
2 set of contacts
182-215T frames
337537-50, 33753750

American made replacement
CN503   $49.50

2 set of contacts
182-215T frames
337537-50, 33753750

Original Century
CN503OEM   $102.50

CN700SS   $60.00

solid state switch
2.750" c-c mounting holes

CN513   $19.50
157722-01, 15772201

  3.3" c-c mounting holes
Terminals: B, L1, L2, A

0.737" id 1.750" spool od

CN451-12 (1200rpm)  $52.50
CN451-18 (1800rpm)  $22.50
CN451-36 (3600rpm)  $22.50
CN451-2 (2 speed)  $42.50

1.125" id 2.750" spool od

CN518-18 (1800rpm)  $82.50

CN518-36 (3600rpm)  $82.50

1.437" id 2.750" spool od

CN511-12 (1200rpm)  $82.50
CN511-18 (1800rpm)  $82.50
CN511-36 (3600rpm)  $82.50

1.437" id 3.500" spool od

CN512-12 (1200rpm)  $82.50
CN512-18 (1800rpm)  $82.50
CN512-36 (3600rpm)  $82.50

1.443" id 3.562" spool od

CN611-12 (1200rpm)  $58.25
CN611-18 (1800rpm)  $45.50
CN611-36 (3600rpm)  $43.75

CN410   $32.50
139807-50, 13980750

1 set of contacts
3.312" c-c mounting holes
Position Top Bottom
1 Empty (1) Male
2 Empty (2) Male
3 Empty (2) Male
4 Empty (1) Male
5 (1) Male (2) Male
6 Empty (3) Male

CN410J   $32.50
157681-50, 15768150

1 set of contacts
3.312" c-c mounting holes
Position Top Bottom
1 Empty (2) Male
2 Empty Empty
3 Empty (2) Male
4 Empty (1) Male
5 (1) Male (2) Male
6 Empty (3) Male

WH2049 Drawing
5.25" c-c mounting holes
WH2049     $162.50

0.625" id  2.000" spool od

CN701-18 (1800rpm)  $27.50

CN701-36 (3600rpm)  $27.50

GE701TS Drawing
2.312" c-c mounting holes

GE-A956 (1 speed/1 sets of contacts)   $22.50

GE701TS (2 speed/2 sets of contacts)   $37.50

1.406" Hole, 1.68" Span, 1.875" Mounting
2 sets of contacts
DO5B   $34.50

2 sets of contacts
3.312" & 2.750" c-c mounting holes

MTK1   $35.75
179653-01, 17965301

LN503 Drawing
365826-01, 36582601

3.625" c-c mounting holes
GE701 (1 set of contacts)   $37.50
Terminals: 3 top, 9 bottom

GE701N (1 set of contacts)   $37.50
Terminals: 0 top, 2 bottom

GE701-2 (3 sets of contacts)   $72.50
Two speed
Terminals: 4 top, 13 bottom

Century/Magnetek Switches

AO Smith    Baldor    Bell & Gosett    Bodine    Centrifugal Mechanisms    Century    Doerr    Electra
Emerson    Flint & Walling    Fan & Limit   Franklin    General Electric    Hobart/Jack & Heinz    Leeson    Leland
Magnetek    Marathon    Master    Reliance    Tatung    Toshiba    US    Wagner    Weg    Westinghouse