Klixon Prefixes: 1NT 2ACE 2AM 2BM 2MM 2TC 3AM 3BT 3CR 3HM 3MP 3NT 3P 3SB 3SP 3TC 4AM 4BA 4BT 4CR 4SP 4TM 5BT 5SP 5TC 5TM 6AP 6PS 6TC 7AM 7BT 7HT 8AM 8EA 8HT 8SP 9HT 9TC 10HT 12HT 14HT 15AA 15AM 15HM 15TC 16HM 17AM 20TC 30AA 31AA 32AA 31HM 32HM 33HM 34HM 35HM 37HM 40AA 41AA 42AA 1822 4344 4391 6752 6766 6790 7235 7236 7270 7271 7274 7277 7851 7854 7855 7895 8347 8348 9115 9660 9700K 215** 283** A* ACMP AT B* BE* BJE BR* BY* C* CA CDA CDLA CDLM CDM CE* CG* CLA CLM CM CR* CS* CW* CY* D* DP EXT FDL* KA KX LE* M1 M2 MA10 MAXI ME* MG* MJE MKA MR* MS* MW* MY* PDA PDLA PDLM PDM PS* PS80 RP SB SDL* SJA SKA SLA SL9 SL10 SL11 SOS SP TH |
Klixon 7HT, 8HT, 9HT, 10HT, 12HT, 14HT Series
PTC solid-state crankcase heaters Series Specification Sheets (pdf) ![]()
The 7HT, 8HT, 9HT, 10HT, and 14HT series crankcase heaters are multi-voltage, in-well PTC devices. They are designed to eliminate compressor damage resulting from freon mixing with oil by creating a temperature differential between the oil and migrating freon.
The in-well design provides excellent thermal coupling to the crankcase oil, minimizing heat loss to the environment. The multi-voltage capability eliminates the costly need for inventorying additional heaters. Self-regulating PTC provides for power reduction with temperature rise, without the need for switch controls or thermostats. All 7HT, 8HT, 9HT, 10HT, 12HT and 14HT crankcase heaters are manufactured under statistical process control and are 100% tested at 125% of rated voltage for conformance to specifications.
Price: $57.50 each