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Flat Wound Springs for Brush Holders
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Flat Wound
                1 Slot Drawing      Flat Wound 1 Tab Spring Drawing      Spring Mounting Drawing
Part Price
Thickness Length Notes
FWS1S075x500 $4.30
0.075" 0.500" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S080x312 $3.00
0.080" 0.312" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S080x525 $3.00
0.080" 0.525" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S2.5x12 $3.00
flat wound 1slot
FWS1S2.5x14.5 $3.50
flat wound 1slot,
12.5mm coil o.d., 23mm total length
FWS1S102x588 $3.00
0.102" 0.588" flat wound 1slot,
0.529" coil o.d., 0.907" total length
FWS1S116x581 $9.96
0.116" 0.581" flat wound 1slot,
0.415" coil o.d., 0.816" total length
FWS1S116x625 $5.75
0.116" 0.625" flat wound 1slot,
0.430" coil o.d., 0.895" total length
FWS1S116x835 $5.00
0.116" 0.835" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S118x450 $5.75
0.118" 0.450" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S118x531 $3.00
0.118" 0.531" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S125x465 $4.85
0.125" 0.465" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S125x529 $5.50
0.125" 0.529" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S142x437 $3.50
0.142" 0.437" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S157x667 $6.75
0.157" 0.667" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S161x529 $4.50
0.161" 0.529" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S167x656 $4.25
0.167" 0.656" flat wound 1slot,
0.461" coil o.d., 0.875" total length
FWS1S187x812 $3.00
0.187" 0.812" flat wound 1slot,
0.625" coil o.d., 1.200" total length
FWS1T187x950 $6.25
0.187" 0.950" flat wound 1tab
#4001Spring $5.85
0.187" 1.375" flat wound 1slot, Prestolite, black
Obsolete: Consider
FWS1S199x953 below
0.194" 0.698" flat wound 1slot
FWS1S5x12.5 $7.25
flat wound 1slot, Kawasaki
FWS1S199x953 $4.50
0.199" 0.953" flat wound 1slot
0.460" coil o.d., 1.231" total length
FWS1S242x715 $11.50
0.242" 0.715" flat wound 1slot, Bosch
FWS1S245x750 $4.50
0.245" 0.750" flat wound 1slot, Bosch,
0.388" coil o.d., 0.935" total length
BA210D $13.50
0.250" 1.144" flat wound 1slot, Baldor, red
GE model # 5CD142...
GE model # 5CD143...
GE model # 5CD144...
GE model # 5CD145,,,
consider GCS101 below
0.250" 1.192" flat wound 1tab, GE, silver
BA210 $13.50
0.250" 1.281" flat wound 1slot, Baldor, orange
BA210W $13.50
0.250" 1.281" flat wound 1slot, Baldor, white
0.250" 1.250" flat wound 1tab, GE, silver
FWS1S312x690 $6.75
0.312" 0.690" flat wound 1slot, Delco, black
0.312" 2.500" flat wound 1slot, for GE 1334276P01 brush
FWS1T318x825 $6.75
narrows to 0.193"
0.825" flat wound 1tab, starter
FWS1S10x20 $11.50
10mm 20mm flat wound 1slot, Skyjack

Flat Wound Springs for Brush Holders
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Flat Wound
                2 Slot Spring Drawing      Figure Flat Wound 2 Tab Spring Drawing      Spring Mounting Drawing
Part Price
Thickness Length Notes
FWS2S125x592 $3.50
0.125" 0.592" flat wound 2slot, gold
FWS2S125x675 $9.90
0.125" 0.675" flat wound 2slot
B240503 $6.75
0.187" 0.750" flat wound 2 tab, Ohio, silver
B240501 $5.50
0.250" 0.832" flat wound 2 tab, Ohio, blue
FWS2T313x937 $4.50
0.313" 0.937" flat wound 2 tab, Intrupa

Flat Wound Springs for Brush Holders
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Flat Wound
                3Slot Spring Drawing      Flat Wound
                3Tab Spring Drawing      Spring
                Mounting Drawing
Part Price
Thickness Length Notes
BA210C $13.50
0.312" 1.750" flat wound 3slot, Baldor

Flat Wound Springs for Brush Holders
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Flat Wound
                4Slot Spring Drawing      Flat Wound
                4Tab Spring Drawing      Spring
                Mounting Drawing
Part Price
Thickness Length Notes
BA210A $13.50
0.187" 1.457" flat wound 4slot, Baldor
BA210B $13.50
0.250" 1.610" flat wound 4slot, Baldor
BP2000A01 $14.50
0.250" 1.750" ~flat wound 4slot, Baldor

Flat Wound Springs for Brush Holders
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                4001Spring Drawing
Part Price
Thickness Length Notes
#4001Spring $5.85
0.187" 1.375" #4001, for Prestolite model MTC4001 and others

Flat Wound Springs for Brush Holders
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                spring drawing
Part Price
Thickness Length Notes
PRMT0009 $1.95
0.187" 1.375" Paramount, goes with 534200018 brush

  Constant Pressure Replacement Springs for Brush Holder Assemblies
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Constant Pressure Replacement Springs Drawing
Part Price
Thickness Diameter Style, Spring Tension and Notes
CPS-187-0.37 $5.95
0.187" 0.30" One Hole, 0.37#
CPS-187-0.49 $6.05
0.187" 0.40" One Hole, 0.49#
BP2505 $15.50
0.250" 0.33" One Hole, Baldor
CPS-250-0.23 $6.05
0.250" 0.62" One Hole, 0.23#
CPS-250-0.66 $6.05
0.250" 0.40" One Hole, 0.66#
CPS-A20723 $5.00
0.262" 0.423" Hook, 1.3#
CPS-312-0.36 $6.15
0.312" 0.78" One Hole, 0.36#
CPS-312-0.83 $6.15
0.312" 0.40" One Hole, 0.83#
CPS-312-1.03 $5.95
0.312" 0.50" One Hole, 1.03#
CPS-375-0.43 $6.35
0.375" 0.78" One Hole, 0.43#

  Constant Pressure Replacement Springs for Brush Holder Assemblies
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Constant Pressure Replacement Springs Drawing
Part Price
Thickness Diameter Style, Spring Tension and Notes
CPS-375-0.52 $6.35
0.375" 0.90" One Hole, 0.52#
CPS-375-1.48 $6.35
0.375" 0.62" One Hole, 1.48#
CPS-500-0.70 $6.45
0.500" 0.92" One Hole, 0.70#
CPS-500-0.93 $6.55
0.500" 1.23" One Hole, 0.93#
CPS-500-1.97 $6.45
0.500" 0.65" One Hole, 1.97#
CPS-500-2.63 $6.65
0.500" 0.82" One Hole, 2.63#
CPS-625-1.46 $7.55
0.625" 1.53" One Hole, 1.46#
CPS-625-3.29 $7.75
0.625" 0.83" One Hole, 3.29#
CPS-625-4.12 $8.15
0.625" 0.99" One Hole, 4.12#

  Constant Pressure Replacement Springs for Brush Holder Assemblies
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Constant Pressure Replacement Springs Drawing
Part Price
Thickness Diameter Style, Spring Tension and Notes
CPS-750-2.09 $8.35
0.750" 1.82" One Hole, 2.09#
CPS-750-4.00 $8.25
0.750" 0.82" One Hole, 4.00#
CPS-750-4.95 $8.45
0.750" 0.97" One Hole, 4.95#
CPS-750-5.94 $8.85
0.750" 1.19" One Hole, 5.94#
CPS-1000-2.80 $14.45
1.000" 1.84" One Hole, 2.80#
CPS-1000-3.50 $14.75
1.000" 2.20" One Hole, 3.50#
CPS-1000-4.10 $14.75
1.000"" 2.21" One Hole, 4.10#
CPS-1000-7.92 $10.65
1.000" 1.20" One Hole, 7.92#
CPS-1000-10.60 $13.65
1.000" 1.52" One Hole, 10.60#

  Constant Pressure Replacement Springs for Brush Holder Assemblies
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Constant Pressure Replacement Springs Drawing
Part Price
Thickness Diameter Style, Spring Tension and Notes
CPS-1250-4.37 $14.75
1.250" 2.29" One Hole, 4.37#
CPS-1250-5.83 $25.75
1.250" 2.82" One Hole, 5.83#
CPS-1250-16.50 $17.75
1.250" 1.89" One Hole, 16.50#
CPS-1500-8.4 $28.55
1.500" 3.70" Two Hole, 8.4#
CPS-1500-24.80 $25.35
1.500" 2.23" Two Hole, 24.80#
CPS-2000-11.70 $35.65
2.000" 3.68" Two Hole, 11.70#
CPS-2000-14.40 $49.75
2.000" 4.74" Two Hole, 14.40#
CPS-2000-33.00 $32.45
2.000" 2.22" Two Hole, 33.00#
CPS-2000-40.90 $39.05
2.000" 3.03" Two Hole, 40.90#

Dumbell Type Springs for Brush Holders
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Part Price
Thickness Width Application/Notes
PMT28000 $7.25
0.250" 0.703" dumbell, Paramount, for brush thickness 0.250"
#22-18-0387 $6.75
0.250" 0.750" dumbell, Milwaukee, for brush thickness 0.250"
#900007-01 $2.95
0.250" 0.925" dumbell, Leeson, for brush thickness 0.375"
NEG0149 $5.00
0.250" 0.956" dumbell, Scott, for brush thickness 0.406"
#900007-02 $3.65
0.375" 0.950" dumbell, Leeson, for brush thickness 0.375"