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V-Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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                          type spring with diemnsions drwing
Part Price
w1 w2 d h1 h2 h3 h4 Notes
V8x37 $17.50
8mm 5mm 7.5mm 37mm 30mm 15mm 5.5mm  
GES500 $64.50
0.50" 0.25" 0.32" 1.62" 1.56" 0.75" 0.35" GE
#609860-1C $64.50
0.38" 1.36" 1.42" 0.66" 0.38" Reliance
PH-3 $64.50
0.88" 2.28" 1.75" 0.75" 0.41" P & H,
RE-68 $62.50
0.62" 0.37" 0.43" 1.97" 1.82" 1.00" 0.31" Reliance,
A-2631 $62.50
0.55" 2.00" 1.82" 1.07" 0.39" Wer,
0.82" 2.50" 2.11" 1.34" 0.46" Baldor, Powertron
A-2632 $62.50
0.44" 0.85" 2.70" 2.37" 1.43" 0.45" Wer,
609860-1A $57.50
0.75" 0.50" 0.37" 1.38" 1.40" 0.62" 0.41" Reliance
SM-6 $57.50
2.15" 1.95" 1.02" 0.44" AO Smith,
A-2633 $57.50
0.44" 2.80" 2.52" 1.62" 0.31" Wer,
RE-3 $57.50
0.69" 2.27" 2.05" 1.02" 0.66" Reliance,
                          type spring with diemnsions drwing
Part Price
w1 w2 d h1 h2 h3 h4 Notes
#214657-01 $45.00
0.80" 0.31" 0.36" 1.50"       Magnetek
LA304062.1.002 $45.00
1.00" 0.50" 0.50" 2.37"       Louis Allis
DV-3 $48.50
2.50"       Dover
RE-1 $48.50
was 0.62"
0.38" 2.00"
was 1.37"
was 1.42"
0.68" 0.32"
was 0.52"
for 0.500" thick brush
1.00" 0.625"


0.55" 2.8" 2.8" 1.29" 0.69" Reliance
for 0.562" thick brush
0.59" Reliance
for 0.625" thick brush
0.57" Reliance, 6.0#
for 0.688" thick brush
0.61" Reliance
for 0.750" thick brush
0.69" Reliance
for 0.812" thick brush
0.80" Reliance
for 0.875" thick brush
0.66" Reliance
for 0.938" thick brush
0.80" Reliance
                          type spring with diemnsions drwing
Part Price
w1 w2 d h1 h2 h3 h4 Notes
DV-2 $56.50
1.00" 0.62" 0.40" 2.39" 1.88" 1.11" 0.30" Dover, 4.0#
#609860-1B $87.50
0.48" 1.37" 1.41" 0.62" 0.41" Reliance
RE-609-6# $56.50
3.00" 2.50" 1.38" 0.25" Reliance,
DV-1 $56.50
0.50" 2.50" 2.12" 1.04" 0.40" Dover
A-2635 $56.50
0.57" 3.12" 3.37" 2.42" 0.39" Wer
#15778 $56.50
0.60" 3.12" 2.89" 1.70" 0.61" Baldor
RE-609-7# $56.50
0.63" 3.00" 2.50" 1.38" 0.25" Reliance,
RE-609-8# $56.50
US-6 $56.50
0.75" 3.08" 3.33" 2.42" 0.43" US Motors,
#36069 $54.50
0.69" 0.53" 2.50" 2.13" 1.35" 0.62" Baldor, Powertron
RE-2 $56.50
0.75" 0.53" 1.92" 1.57" 0.69" 0.62"  
0.60" 3.18" 2.87" 1.81" 0.35" Wer 5.5#

VSA Type European Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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VSA type spring with dimensions drawing
Part Price
B C L A Tension Spring Diam.
VSA12.0x36-4 $35.50
16mm 12mm 38mm 21mm 4Nm 7mm
VSA16.5x43-2 $49.50
22mm 16mm 46mm 28mm 2Nm 8mm
VSA16.5x43-6.2 $49.50
6.2Nm 8mm
VSA16.5x48-8 $49.50
8Nm 12mm
VSA19.5x56-8 $49.50
19mm 54mm 36mm 8Nm 10mm
VSA19.5x56-10 $49.50
10Nm 11mm
VSA19.5x56-12.8 $49.50
12.8Nm 14mm
VSA19.5x56-16 $49.50
16Nm 17mm
VSA19.5x56-20 $49.50
20Nm 20mm

Curved V Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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V flag
                            type spring with dimensions drawing
Part Price
w1 w2 d h1 h2 h3 h4 Notes
#414748-1A $62.50
1.00" 0.62" 0.37" 1.87" 1.57" 0.65" 0.48" Reliance, Tension: 4.0#
LRS-1 $62.50
0.38" 2.42" 2.08" 1.03"    
CV-1 $88.50
0.75" 0.52" 1.90" 1.56" 0.65" 0.39" Reliance

V-Flag Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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V flag
                            type spring with dimensions drawing
Part Price
w1 w2 d h1 h2 h3 h4 Notes
0.50" 0.31" 0.63" 1.50" 1.23" 0.82" 0.42" Baldor

Square Root Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Square Root
                Type Spring Drawing
Part Price
w1 h1 Application/Notes
IMP-1 $49.50
0.594" 1.625" Square root type, Imperial, d=0.330", h2=1.55",
h3=0.78", h4=0.35", w2=0.375", 1.0#
IMP-5 $49.50
Square root type, Imperial, d=0.375", w2=0.250",
ABB-1.0# $40.00
0.600" 1.250" Square root type, ABB, d=0.375", w2=0.250",
WH-5 $40.00
0.625" 2.000" Square root type, Westinghouse, d=0.38", h2=1.93"
h3=1.00", h4=0.31", w2=0.38", 1.5#, partially insulated
WH-8 $40.00
2.750" Square root type, Westinghouse, d=0.375", w2=0.250",
h2=2.32", h3=1.35", h4=0.38", 2.0#
SGT0.70x1.84 $37.50
0.700" 1.840" Square root type, d=0.350", h2=1.720", h3=1.082",
h4=0.406", w2=0.0.500", t1=0.448", 1.85#
IMP-6 $59.50
1.000" 1.837" Square root type, Imperial, d=0.325", w2=0.625",
IMP-2 $59.50
Square root type, Imperial, d=0.375", h2=1.690",
h3=1.000", h4=0.444", t1=0.720, w2=0.750", 2.3#
IMP-4 $59.50
Square root type, Imperial, d=0.400", h2=1.700",
h3=0.965", h4=0.414, t1=0.715", w2=0.625", 3.0#
WH-11A $59.50
2.750" Square root type, Westinghouse, d=0.400", w2=0.625",
h2=2.32", h3=1.35", h4=0.41", 3.0#
WH-13 $59.50
Square root type, Westinghouse, d=0.550", h2=2.35",
h3=1.32", h4=0.32", w2=0.625", 4.2#
WH-16 $62.50
3.000" Square root type, Westinghouse, d=0.550", h2=2.65",
h3=1.68", w2=0.625", 2.25#

GE 6-Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Part Price
w1 h1 Application/Notes
BP5030 $19.50
0.500" 1.700" 6-type, 2 tab, profile 1, Baldor, d=0.312",
h2=1.04", t=0.293", w2=0.500"
BP5103 $19.50
0.625" 1.937" 6-type, 1 tab, profile 1, Baldor, d=0.420",
h2=0.803", t=0.4.05", w2=0.375"
BP5028 $19.50
0.750" 1.685" 6-type, 2 tab, profile 1, Baldor, d=0.300",
h2=1.04", t=0.312", w2=0.750"
36B547926G01 $45.00
1.750" 6-type, 1 tab, profile 2, GE, 36B547926--G01,
d=0.500", h2=0.844", t=0.500", w2=0.562"
GE10-2.5# $59.50
3.750" 6-type, 2 tab, profile 2, GE , d=0.750"
h2=2.500", t=0.837", w2=0.500",
Spring rating: 2.5#, <=1800rpm
GE10-3.75# $59.50
6-type, 2 tab, profile 2, GE , d=0.625",
h2=2.500", t=0.837", w2=0.500",
Spring rating: 3.75#, 3600rpm

6R-Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Part Price
w1 h1 Application/Notes
BDTspring $9.75
0.375" 1.000" 6R-type, no hooks, d=0.215", h2=N/A,
t=0.390", w2=0.250"
HT010230 $13.75
0.396" 0.881" 6R-type, 2 hooks, d=0.238", h2=0.705",
t=0.301", w2=0.375"
CLTspring $13.75
0.600" 1.018" 6R-type, slide, Clarke, , d=0.215",
t=0.315", w2=0.375"
#134178102 $7.50
1.000" 2.250" 6R-type, 1 hook, Yale, d=0.426", h2=1.750",
t=0.500", w2=0.750"

Magnetek Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Part Price
w1 h1 Application/Notes
SPR480 $29.50
0.625" 1.073" Magnetek, d=0.375", h2=0.911", w2=0.375"
SPR476 $39.50
0.875" 1.444" Magnetek, d=0.375", h2=1.200", w2=0.500"

GE Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Part Price
Thickness Width Application/Notes
GES201 $50.00
0.437" 0.625" GES200, GE, Plate: 1.500", Spring: 0.375d. x 0.375"
GES202 $74.50
0.375" 0.625" GES200, GE, Plate: 1.406", Spring: 0.500d. x 0.312"
GES203 $75.00
0.500" 0.812" GES200, GE. Plate: 1.531", Spring: 0.687d. x 0.375"
GES204 $65.00
GES200, GE, Plate: 2.281", 3.0# Spring: 0.812d. x 0.500"
GES205 $40.50
0.625" 0.927" GES200, GE, Plate: 2.187", Spring: 0.688d. x 0.500"
GES206 $54.00
1.062" GES200, GE, Plate: 2.500", Spring: 0.875d. x 0.500"
GES207 $108.00
0.750" 0.968" GES200, GE, Plate: 2.312", Spring: 0.750d. x 0.625"
   Marked "D"
1.125" GES200, GE, Plate: 3.000", Spring: 0.844d. x 0.625"
For 0.750" thick brushes
   Marked "E"
GES200, GE, Plate: 3.000", Spring: 0.937d. x 0.625"
For 0.875" thick brushes
   Marked "F"
GES200, GE, Plate: 3.000", Spring: 1.062d. x 0.625"
For 1.000" thick brushes

Hook Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Hook Type spring with dimensions
Part Price
w1 w2 d h1 Notes
0.375" 0.313" 0.350" 1.250" Hook Type, 2 hooks, profile 2,
0.375" 0.409" 1.750" Hook Type, 1 hook, profile 1,
Leeson, single coil, 1.0#
Hook Type, 1 hook, profile 1,
Leeson, two nested coils

Plate Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Part Price
#721284100 $7.50
0.375" 1.625" Plate Type, Yale, d=0.355",  w2=0.375", h2: 1.062"
#625B309AA001 $29.50
0.500" 1.750" Plate Type, GE, d=0.423", h2=1.187", w2=0.500"
BP5012A04 $21.50
0.600" 1.250" Plate Type, Baldor, One tab,
  d=.325",  w2=0.250"
SP349 $7.50
0.625" 1.625" Plate Type, Yale/Intrupa, One tab,
d=0.357",  w2=0.375", h2=1.875"
BP5034 $7.50
0.700" 1.125" Plate Type, Baldor, One tab,
d=0.300", w2=0.375"

Bodine Spring Assembly
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Part Price
#574-00008 $11.75
0.375" 0.875" Bodine, Spring diameter=0.375",  Spring width=0.187"
Previously 574-00001

GE 167-Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Part Price
Thickness Width Application/Notes
GE model # 5CD152...
GE model # 5CD153...
GE model # 5CD154...
GE model # 5CD163...
GE model # 5CD164...
0.500" 1.562" GES167-Type, GE, Spring: 0.680d. x 0.375"
GE model # 5CD173...
GE model # 5CD174...
GE model # 5CD183...
GE model # 5CD184...
0.700" 2.000" GES167-Type, GE, Spring: 0.770d. x 0.500"

GE D-Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Part Price
Thickness Width Application/Notes
#36B465484-1 $59.50
0.500" 1.875" GES D-TYPE, GE "84A", Spring: 0.706d. x 0.375"
#36B465485-1 $59.50
0.500" 1.875" GES D-TYPE, GE "85A", Spring: 0.685d. x 0.375"
#36B465487-1 $62.50
0.625" 1.875" GES D-TYPE, GE "87A", Spring: 0.837d. x 0.500"
GE model # 5CD222...
GE model # 5CD223...
GE model # 5CD224...
GE model # 5CD226...
2.375" GES D-TYPE, GE "82A", Spring: 0.950d. x 0.500"
for 0.875" thick brush
GE model #5CD192...
GE model #5CD193...
GE model #5CD194...
GES D-TYPE, GE "86A", Spring: 0.750d. x 0.500"
for 0.625" thick brush
#36B472000-03 $47.50
GES D-TYPE, GE "0A3", Spring: 0.950d. x 0.500"
GE model # 5CD203...
GE model # 5CD204...
0.750" 2.375" GES D-TYPE, GE "81A", Spring: 0.840d. x 0.625"
for 0.750" thick brush
#36B465483-1 $37.50
GES D-TYPE, GE "83A", Spring: 1.000d. x 0.625"
for 1.000" thick brush
#36B465483AE1 $29.50
GES D-TYPE, GE "83AE", Spring: 1.000d. x 0.625"
for 1.000" thick brush

Triangle Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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                Type Spring Drawing
Part Price
h1 w1 Application/Notes
US-2 $47.50
1.625" 0.563" Triangle Type, US Motors, w2=0.375", d=0.375", 1.5#
TB-14 $62.50
85mm 22mm Triangle Type, Toshiba, d=18.5mm, h2=70mm,
t=35mm, w2=19mm, 6.0#

Eighth Note Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Eighth Note Type
                Type Spring Drawing
Part Price
h1 w1 Application/Notes
GE model # 5CD362...
GE model # 5CD363...
GE model # 5CD372...
GE model # 5CD373...
3.500" 0.750" Eighth Note Type, GE, w2=0.500", d=0.875"

Onan Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Onan Spring
Part Price
Height Width Application/Notes
#212-1105 $17.50
1.250" 0.750" Onan, Spring: 0.312" diam. x 0.312" wide, for 10kW
#212-1106 $25.00
Onan, Spring: 0.375" diam. x 0.375" wide, for 15kW

Otis Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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Otis Spring
Part Price
Height Width Application/Notes
OT-1 $45.00
2.750" 0.750" Otis, Spring: 0.400" diameter x 0.625" wide

U-Type Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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U Type
                Spring Drawing
Part Price
Height Width Application/Notes
GE-138 $42.50
3.750" 0.687" GE, Spring: 1.000" diameter x 0.500" wide

GE/US Motors Spring Assemblies for Brush Holders
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                Spring Drawing
Part Price
Height Width Application/Notes
A3063 $85.00
1.500" 0.562" US, Spring: 0.350" diameter x 0.250" wide, 2.0#
#36A164933CAG01 $85.00
GE, Spring: 0.375" diameter x 0.375" wide