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Leeson Brushes
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                344 Drawing    Figure PS4 Drawing
Part Price
Thickness Width Length Material Lead Terminal Notes
0.312" 0.875" 1.250" Gray E 2.062" insulated C-0.215" Figure PS4
0.312" 0.875" 1.312" Black E 2.000" insulated C-0.195" Figure 344
900116.02 $9.13
0.375" 0.781" 0.812" Graphite G 2.250" insulated U-0.145" Figure 251, H610, 90V
900116.08 $10.99
0.375" 0.781" 0.812" Graphite G 2.250" insulated U-0.145" Figure 251, H621, 180V
900116.15 $40.00
0.375" 0.781" 0.812" Copper M 2.250" insulated U-0.145" Figure 251, K176
900163.11 $12.50
0.375" 0.781" 0.812" Graphite G 2.875" insulated QF-0.250" Figure 251, K174
900163.15 $15.47
0.375" 0.781" 0.812" Gray E
GGXF30, H100
2.875" insulated QF-0.250" Figure 251, K254
900163Probe $90.00
0.375" 0.781" 0.812" Graphite G 2.812" insulated
3.000" insulated
Figure 251, K174,
w/sensor probe

Leeson Brushes

Part Price
Thickness Width Length Material Lead Terminal Notes
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Graphite G
610, H610
2.375" insulated U-0.197" Figure 148, H610, 90V
900015.01 $15.40
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Black E 2.375" insulated U-0.197" Figure 148, D25, 36-48V
900015.03 $31.50
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Copper M 2.375" insulated U-0.197" Figure 148, 6H7
900015.07 $15.40
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Graphite G 2.375" insulated U-0.197" Figure 148, H621, 180V
900015.08 $17.73
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Copper M 2.375" insulated U-0.197" Figure 148, H672, 24V
900015.14 $18.46
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Gray E 2.375" insulated
14 Gauge wire
0.064" diam.
U-0.197" Figure 148, H100, 28-180V
900015.18 $19.56
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Graphite G 2.375" insulated U-0.197" Figure 148, K174
900015probe $29.34
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Graphite G Main: 2.375" insulated
Probe: 3.000" insulated
Main: U-0.197"
Probe: QFF-0.250"
Figure 148, K174
w/sensor probe
900015.21 $38.84
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Copper M 2.375" insulated U-0.197" Figure 148, 6H6
900015.22 $18.92
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Graphite G 2.375" insulated U-0.197" Figure 148, K254C
900041.01 $24.20
1.250" 1.250 Graphite G
2.375" insulated U-0.220" ~Figure 148, split
900189.14 $24.90
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Gray E 2.375" insulated
8 Guage wire
0.129" diam.
U-0.197" Figure 148, H100, 28-180V
900251.19 $19.00
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Gray E 2.375" insulated U-0.197" Figure 148, GGXF30
900251.20 $32.32
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Black E 2.375" insulated U-0.197" Figure 148, T341J,
High altitude/Low humidity
900298.08 $34.08
0.375" 1.250" 1.250" Copper M 2.625" insulated U-0.197" Figure 118A
900000.XX $34.56
0.406" 1.250" 1.250" Copper M 1.687" & 2.000" C-0.193" Figure 900000XX

Leeson Springs
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Hook Type Spring Drawing
Part Price
Thickness Notes
0.250" Figure dumbell
0.375" Figure dumbell
900011.01 $2.00
N/A Figure 900011-01, retaining clip
900322.01-D Obsolete 1.82" x 3.12" Brush cover shown above
Part Price
w1 w2 d h1 Notes
0.375" 0.313" 0.350" 1.250" Hook Type, 2 hooks, profile 2
0.375" 0.375" 0.409" 1.750" Hook Type, 1 hook, profile 1
0.375" 0.375" 0.409" 1.750" Hook Type, 1 hook, profile 1